When the sun chimes...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wild Sex...

I was prancing around on the wet grass, agitated. How come my dinner is not served yet? The sky was getting darker as the sun slowly set. Should be any minute now. I sat down and waited patiently for my favourite mixed meat rice.

Suddenly the sound of jiggling keys and the familiar creaking of the metal door alerted my sensitive ears. I looked up immediately and saw my handsome master walking towards me with a gleeful smile plastered on his face. I stood up happily as he unleashed me. I had been grounded for a week and I felt like a prisoner. I couldn’t contain my joy so I jumped up and down uncontrollably.

A minute later, Lady Master walked out and approached me as well. Both of them led me to the family’s biggest car. They opened the back door and then urged me to jump in. Hooray! I love riding in the car! I jumped inside the back of the truck without any hesitations. My handsome master jumped in with me too and Lady Master revved up the engine moments later. I sat down beside my master, getting ready to enjoy my ride.

The last time I went out for a ride was when they sent me to the clinic for some medical checkups. I have been bleeding nonstop for the past few days so probably they are sending me there again.

The journey took quite a while, longer then it used to be. Finally the car stopped in front of a big house. Huh? This does not look familiar. New clinic? My masters opened the door and I jumped down cautiously. I sniffed around with my sensitive nose. Hmm, smells like…smells just like…me?!

I walked closely by my masters into the big place. Some unfamiliar faces came out to greet us and then we were led to the side of the house.

Then I saw him. Tall, dark and handsome. His frame was so broad he must be working out everyday. His jaw line was so big and strong he could crush a neck anytime. His coat was so smooth, so shiny. He must be using the best shampoo with conditioner.

We just stood there staring at each other for few seconds then he strutted towards me like some black knight in shining armor. We snuffled around.

Before we could know each other better, my master strapped something over my mouth. What the hell? I couldn't open my mouth and I looked at my handsome master with alarming eyes. He stroked me gently as if assuring me everything’s alright.

The stranger exchanged few words with my masters but I didn’t understand what they were talking about. Suddenly something lunged at my pelvis, I got shocked and my hind legs felt weak. Before I could register what was happening…

Holy Dog! I’m being fucked!!!



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