When the sun chimes...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Drowning Fishes

I had a busy weekend. I went celebrating Sydney's bday on Friday night: dinner + clubbing. Ok, I'm not goin to talk bout tat incident in this post. On Sunday, bubbles went for Wendy's bridal photo shoot all dressed in white top and jeans. Aaaahhh...Wendy and Brandon were so gorgeous tat day like romeo and juliet. I decided to present them this logo with their initials...

Oops...hehe. Sorry, had to use the Warner Bros logo first. At least WB is better than AV ok. Try telling ppl wat AV means, they'll tell u AUNTIE VISIT!

After the photo shoot, i went back home and realised that all my fishes were gone from the aquarium. I questioned Sri and apparently the aquarium's supporting metal stand were worn out. She heard some creaking noise in the morning and she found out the metal bar on one supporting corner was collapsing so she quickly sucked out all the water from the glass tank and moved the fishes away.

The salt water from the tank quickened the process of rust and made the metal fragile.


Can't imagine if the whole tank come crashing down and flood my living room, all the sofa and tv sets would be gone. Most dangerous part would be the shattered glass spreading everywhere cutting ppl's feet. And the fishes! How to save all of them in 1 min? Tat would be one major disaster!

I went to the bathroom to see the fishes in their temporary shelter - a big blue bucket. I noticed the baby fishes were swimming nonchalantly but the big fishes were in trouble. They seemed breathless as i could see their "insang" flapped faster than usual. The colour of their scaly bodies was fading too. I told JC tat they were running out of oxygen in the bucket, we need to get an air pump asap.

JC: They can last for 2 to 3 days la...
A : Sure bo? Do you see the big one o not? It's swimming upwards to get oxygen from the air! U better go buy the pump if not they all gonna die tomolo morning.

Finally he drove out to find an "open" fish shop on a Sunday afternoon. He came back empty-handed as expected. I went to check out the fishes again and Sri said the big one didn't make it. It drowned!!! OH NO! Sri even threw her away already. I felt so really really bad, it's like my responsibility tat it's dead. I really wished i know how to perform CPR to the poor fish tat time.

My bro realised the urgency and he drove out again in search of the air pump. This time he came back with one. We quickly fixed it up and let it pumped the oxygen into the bucket. SAFE!

I scrutinised the fishes for a while making sure tat they could breathe some fresh oxygen. I guess the tube was too small so they huddled around it.

The next morning we went out to buy a new metal stand and the fishes were back to their home sweet home except the one lying in the dustbin.

May u rest in peace fish!



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