When the sun chimes...

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Gloomy weather + gloomy traffics + gloomy workplace + gloomy frens + gloomy feelings. Even my uterus is gloomy coz it had passed the mentruation due date. Haih...

I got bad news pouring on top of me throughout the past 7 days. First my colleague's house flooded badly. I felt really bad for her coz her family always have to face this problem. She didn't sleep the whole day trying to scoop the water out from her house and she couldn't sit and walk properly the next day she came to work.

Becoz of the bad weather, the traffic had to annoy me as well. There were more accidents than I could ever encounter or experienced in a week. My brother had to cause one also. Some silly gal banged his bumper exactly where mine got banged few months ago. Duh...

Then one of my "sistas'" dad passed away few days ago coz of neck lymphoma. She had never mention to us all this while her dad was receiving chemo and was hospitalized when it got critical. This makes me feel even worse coz I know losing a parent is an absolute trauma.

Worst of all, a time bomb had exploded in my company yesterday. My lab manager is definitely leaving coz of the heavy conflicts between him and the boss. We had been working so comfortably for the past two yers - no politics, no conflicts within the staffs, good teamwork and everybody trusted everybody. Now the "major shareholder" has to push his way in and messed up the flow. Darn him...

And now my honey is pissing me off by coming late today.
This about sums up all the gloominess for the damp + damn week...




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