When the sun chimes...

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The birth of the blog...

The day I started my personal blog was my birthday and the day I posted up this first entry is also my birthday (lunar) which is TODAY. Say happy birthday to me and my blog la! I know I'm not getting any younger so FROM NOW ON I decided to note down every single details in my life in case I got Alzheimer’s next time.

To kick start my blog, I had dug out all my precious photos of myself from 0 years old till now to share it with you all. Pls don laugh at them...

0 years old...
Grandma (whispers to other relatives): Zhor mi zi geh baby an ni pai kua eh (Why this baby so ugly one)?
Mimi and didi: *shaking head*

So sad...I wasn a cute baby. Look at the two lumps of meat hanging beside my mouth. Did you think I was chewing on something? Damn...and those hair...they couldn stop standing till my grandma had to pin them down every time.

In conclusion: I was an ugly baby who got an electrical shock.

1 year old...
The meat subsiding, the hair wasn standing anymore but I looked like a boy. Haih...
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2-4 years old...
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Me with my fav bear bear in my previous house. I guess I didn like wearing my didi's jacket in Genting...
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5-6 years old...
Kindergarten concerts! I remember I couldn stop pulling down my belly-baring top coz I tot it was too revealing. Then my teacher realized I don like to bare my skin so she asked me to be a rat the next year...
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7-8 years old...
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Schooling days. My first birthday party with my neighbours and frens. Oh, I lost my front teeth too...

9-11 years old...
I was participating in a costume competition in school and I won first prize! My aunt and mimi made this outfit for me. Getting fashionable in the left photo. I love this dress. I think I shall get a tailor to make this dress again.
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My first school trip to Malacca with my schoolmates.
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12 years old...
Hmm...I was quite a speaker during primary. I represented school in this competition and I won first prize. One of the most amazing moments in my life. I realized I'm getting taller and taller...so I entered the basketball team too. Also the time for me to face UPSR.
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13 years old...
I failed to get A for a stupid subject so I had to spend one year in remove class. Oh well, at least I had a honeymoon year and I enjoyed it very much. I moved to my new house and I got a nice room with pinkish furniture. Then I realized it was too girly for me so now my room’s furniture is blue in colour.
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14 years old...
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Had fun growing my hair long and getting a shu nu image. This picture was taken during a school trip. Why issit always Malacca? Sien...

15-18 years old...
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Thanks to didi, volleyball was getting 3/4 of my life. Suddenly I looked like a tomboy with dark skin and short hair. The pimples also kept on blooming like mushrooms. Later I even developed a big bum and thigh! No guys wanna take a second look at me. But NO REGRETS! I traveled to various places to watch games and also participated in various tournaments. I had the chance to meet new frens and gain lots of experience. The best thing was I could skip class for my training sessions. Wuahahahah... Oh, almost forgot tat I had to face SPM.
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19-20 years old…
Finally got thru the most important exam of my life and I was in a dilemma in choosing which course to take. I settled with A-levels and boy I dug myself a pit coz it was damn stressful. I even gained weight, lost some hair and dressed like Ah Lian so no pictures here. Hehehe…

21 years old…
I tot my volleyball life would end after I entered college but luckily I met back some of my teammates and together we formed a team. It was the only excuse I could keep myself slim and fit. Then we got so close together tat we drank each other’s blood and swore to the sky tat we would forever be sisters. Kidding la…
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Me during my 21st birthday party and my lovely bouquet of flowers from my "sisters".
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22 years old…
I chose to study Biotech coz it was the most talk-about course in Malaysia. Uni life was quite interesting and then…
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...end of story.

I went to a studio with my buddy to take "qing chun zhao" and it was so much fun.
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23 years old…
I flew to Australia leaving my love ones behind. I studied there for my final year and I had the heck of a time. I met wonderful frens, learnt new culture and traveled around. It was the most memorable year for me. The downside was I gained a whole lot of weight – 8 kgs! Can you spot my moon face?
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24 years old onwards…
Home sweet home. I had some reverse cultural shock a bit; had my ups and downs with family and love ones, took my certificate and went for job interviews. My first job was totally “errr” so I quit it. Then I landed in a newly established company.
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I smiled when I flipped thru all my photos and laughed out loud when I read my old diaries. 20+ years down the road, I had gone thru 30% of my life (I assume I will live till 90 years old). I had to admit tat I’m a lucky gal coz in all these years I achieved (erm…partially) what I had hope for and I have never-ending love and support from all my family and frens.
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Here comes the BIG question: Did I change from an ugly duckling into a swan or not? *wink*

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