When the sun chimes...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


She was panting heavily in a dark, cold place. Her sound echoed back almost immediately and she realised she was in a confined space. She was clasping onto a rope for dear life. She didn't know where she was and what she was doing but she knew that if she let go of the rope she would fall.

With both her thighs clutching tightly to the rope, she stretched out one of her arms to feel the surroundings. She touched something solid - a wet and slippery wall. She looked down below her but she couldn't see a thing, it was like an endless hole. She looked up and she saw light. The bright light was probing her. Her instincts were signaling her to continue her journey. She started propelling upwards using every ounce of her energy.

It felt like eternity climbing up the rope, she guessed she had climbed at least 10 storey high but the light was still far, far away. Her hands and inner thighs felt like burning caused by the friction with the rope. Her lungs were screaming and her energy was wearing out.

Suddenly a sharp pain seized her, something hard had struck her shoulder. Something falling from above. She looked up again and she was petrified. Stones were falling from above. Big ones, little ones, they were all pouring down like raindrops. There was nowhere to hide. She closed her eyes hard, bracing herself for the impacts. They struck her back, her head, her fingers and her bare feet. They hit her with no mercy. She slipped a bit but she kept herself calm, holding onto the rope without fidgeting.

Then the stone-storm stopped. She breathed a sign of relief. She assured herself that it was just a small obstacle. She had to continue on. She pulled herself up again, with much more determination.

She smiled as the light was getting nearer and nearer but she felt herself getting heavier and heavier each seconds. Something was pulling on to her and it was pulling her down. She tried to look down and then she saw it. Hanging on to her ankle was a cord and the cord was attached to a lump of thing. She couldn't make out what the thing was but it was definitely trying to drag her down. The thing seemed to be differentiating, like undergoing metamorphosis. She got scared and she swung her leg hard. It was getting bigger and heavier. Strangely enough, she felt connected to it. It almost felt like the thing belonged to her.

No! This can't be happening. She didn't want to go down, she wanted to reach the light. She had to do something to get rid of it. She used her toes to try to slide the cord down her feet. It went off. She looked at it one last time, the thing was sending impulses to her brain, begging her not to let it go. She felt emotional all of a sudden, she closed her eyes and was surprised that tears were streaming down her cheeks. She had no choice, she had to be stern with her decision. It would be a burden if she thought otherwise. She let it go. The thing fell into the darkness, never to be seen again.

She gripped the rope tightly, the feeling of remorse devoured her. She looked up again at the light. The light was getting brighter and brighter, blinding her. Slowly it consumed her...

She squirmed and she opened her eyes. She was lying on a bed and she was back to reality. It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare...

She touched her cheeks and it was wet with tears. She assured herself that it's all over. Or issit? She wondered.



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