When the sun chimes...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Checklist of My Life...

At age 0-10, I want...
  1. to bite everything
  2. to drink milo everyday
  3. soft toys
  4. many barbie dolls with lots of clothes to change
  5. to stay at my grandma's house
  6. to visit all theme parks
  7. to be a tailor
  8. a bicycle
  9. to be a winner in all contests
  10. to grow up
At age 11-20, I want...
  1. a piano
  2. to grow my hair long
  3. a driving license
  4. to be a national volleyball player
  5. to be a singer
  6. to be a doctor
  7. to be a writer
  8. to read all Sweet Valley books
  9. to watch Backstreet Boys in concert
  10. to date guys
At age 21-30, I want...
  1. to study abroad
  2. my own car
  3. to watch Andy Lau in person
  4. a stable career
  5. a camera
  6. a dream house
  7. a beautiful wedding
  8. to have a diving license
  9. to travel around the world
  10. to be a better person each day



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