When the sun chimes...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Choosing My Next Path...

I'm travelling again.
I flew to Kuching in January...
I flew to Macau in February...
I'm flew to Brunei yesterday...which means i'm in Brunei now
and I'm going to fly to Bintulu next week then to Kuching again...

Airplane is my second transportation now. Joining this company has gave me a lot of opportunities to meet new ppl, learn new things and see new places. I'm starting to get the hang of it and I'm now in awe. Of coz the Macau in Februay was my personal trip... :)

Actually travelling alone is not such a big issue after all. Many people especially ladies dislike travelling alone, they worried about safety; they worried about "dirty" hotels; they worried about food; they worried about being con by taxi drivers and they worried they can't communicate with the locals. To summarise it, they are just afraid to be alone.

I don't live alone, I don't work alone and I have a boyfriend. In fact, I haven't been single and available for 6+ years. Yet, sometimes...I really enjoy being alone. I'm now chilling in a cafe beside the hotel I stayed in, sipping a cup of brewed "totally kao" coffee. I had to pay for the internet service in the hotel (B$6/hour) yesterday so today I decided to come out to get free wifi...of coz the coffee is not FOC. Still it's worth it and coincidently, the name of this cafe is called "CHILL".

I was given a choice last month; whether to stayput in my current jobscope or transfer to another department. The funny thing is before I'm doing what I'm doing now, I wanted so much to be in the other department mostly coz of interest and I thought I can relate to it more with my personality. Everyone thinks so too.

However, when I was given the choice to switch last month, I was a bit confused...even felt reluctant. The moment I said OK, I was still in a dilemma. Anyway, it didn't go through smoothly as the post was "on-hold". Ha, What the heck!

Till, time will come for me to decide again. I really don't know whether I'm already adapted to the current jobscope or I'm comfortable being in the freedom zone or I don't want to be predictable (that sooner or later I'll join da club). Yet, that job offer still does appeal to me very much...

One thing I realised is that I can adapt and I can evolve with the changing ppl and environment around me easily. Some may think these kind of ppl have no known/specific character coz they always follow the flow. Some may even think these ppl are fake coz they have many faces. But the truth is ppl do have the ability to have many faces. It only depends on which personality excels the other in certain circumstances. Maybe it's natural selection. If you do watch national geographic channel, you will know that it plays an important part in survival.

My path is blurry now, but till the day comes when I had to make a decision, I'll make sure that it will be as wide as the galaxy and as bright as the sun.

Coz the fittest always survive...



At March 17, 2009 at 1:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any path you choosing, i will be with you....your beloved monkey c(o.o)3

At March 17, 2009 at 3:13 PM , Blogger Groovy said...

Thanks dear...ur support means a lot of me...


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