When the sun chimes...

Friday, November 16, 2007


I was cracking my head for one whole month just to prepare for dear Wendy's BIG BIG day. So BIG that we had to set a rule for ourselves. To become a "sista" during her wedding day, we had to make our own bridemaid's attire using the same type of fabric. *sweat*

2 metres of soft pink cloth: it was up to us whether we wanna shove it to our mummies, aunties, frens' mummies, professional tailors or DIY. If we were too lazy to do all those then we could just tie it up like a sarong or used it as a scarf.
Since mummy has tailoring skills and there's a sewing machine together with all those sewing equipments in my house, i decided to D.I.M - Do It Myself.

Y didn't ask mummy to do for me? Three reasons: no time, no idea, no eye see. In fact, i like to challenge myself for doing things that i'd never done before. *roll eyes*

Mum: U sure u wan to do this? Send to the tailor behind our house la, no fuss.
Me : I want to try can? Sometimes we have learn to DIY, i don't wan to rely too much on ppl. *cross fingers* The actual reason was i'm KIAMSIAP.
Mum: True, u r rite. Ok, ok, go ahead...

Ah-hah, my ego was so pumped up I didn't even realise i dug a hole for myself then.


I seek for patterns and ideas from colleagues, frens and WWW. Since i'm an amateur, i must seek a less complicated but smart design. I drew out some on the papers to get opinions from others.
Number 1 is easy but they said looks like Tarzan.
Number 2 is ok but too common.
Number 3 looks nice but too complicated.
Number 4 is nice too but i decided against it because the neckline looks similar to my dinner dress.
Number 5 and 6 not bad but i ended up with...


I found a shinier pink fabric in my house which i could use it to match. I took out all the things tat i needed and laid them on the floor in front of me together with the design i'd chosen.
Now how do i cut the cloth? This is the time when i used up my brain cells so much, i could squeeze juice out of it. I took out some of my dresses to check the cuttings. I measured my body over and over again. I went to get tips from mummy.
Am i really gonna to do this? I kept thinking. I measured the cloth several times. I gathered up my guts, breathed heavily and i CUT.

I CUT; I CUT and I CUT. No turning back now. I think i used up one whole day just for cutting the fabric.


What next?

I took one day off. I went to the tailors to do the edging for every piece of cloth tat i'd cut. The tailor is my mum's fren and luckily she didn't examine my cuttings. I don't think i could deal with it if she point a fat finger at my face and laugh at me.

I revved up the sewing machine's engine and prepared the pink threads. I learned how to use it while helping mummy make clothes when i was young. Clever leh... However, I went to consult my mum again before sewing.
After i'd attached the first piece, i realise the cloth was too thin and revealing. I had to get a lining cloth! I went to Tesco again to get a cheap RM1.80 per metre pink lining cloth. I bought 2 metres.

I roughly cut up the lining cloth and placed back to back with the original one. At the end of the day, I managed to put together the front of the dress. Half of the dress done but half of my brain cells were dead too. So i rest for several days again...


Now the back of the dress. I knew sewing zipper would be difficult so i chose to put rubber at the back. Sewing rubber was tricky as well. My mum demonstrated for me using leftover cloths. Poor mummy, i had to help her get the thread through the needle nowadays.

I tried myself after the demo but i had to sew several times before i finally got it right. Then i sew the ribbon.


I took another day off. I went for a second edging session for the lining cloth. I didn't go back to the first shop though. Hehehhe...malu ma. Turned out the second one was cheaper but of coz the edging was rougher. Nevermind, lining only.

The time to attached the front and back together! I had to attached three pieces, front, back and the ribbon in between. It was so much harder than i tot. I did and undid so many times tat i almost gave up. The frustration began to build up.

After so many attempts, I got the top part where the three pieces must come together. Then horror struck! The front and back part was not the same length at the side. Gosh, i began to notice i made a huge mistake from the day i cut the cloth. The back was nicely gathered because of the rubber but the front part was completely un-gathered and flat. I was flabbergasted. Mummy shook her head looking at me.

Mum: Y wanna trouble urself dear? U really think making a dress is so easy meh? Told u to go to the tailors. Now look wat u've done.
Me : *speechless*

Nevermind! I can save it! I need time to think!


I rushed home after work and start working on the dress again. Should I undo everything and start all over again?

No. No time at all. I tried attaching the side several times but the result was horrible. Because the front was flat, all the gathers were at the side and back. I looked like a peacock! All my efforts gone wasted.

I had to cut again. I decided to cut the front part into an A-line skirt. Then i slumped on my bed at 2.30am in the morning thinking why i wanna do this in the first place...


I woke up at 7.30am in the morning, thank god i got another off day. I ate a quick breakfast and continued with my poor dress.

Now what?

Die hard 5. There's no turning back now.

I pulled the extra cloth from the back to the front and attached at the side. Then i made a fake gather-like flow inside. So when i wore it, nobody will notice the gathers in the front are fake. I hope...


I threw it into the washing machine and i went out shopping with mummy.

Mum: Haiyah, I buy a dress for u la, don't have to suffer urself like tat.
Me : Don't worry, it's gonna be alright!


Me : Nice or not?
Mum: *woke up from her sleep and look surprise* Eh, not bad ah!

I went to Wendy's house but end up i was the only one making such a big fuss about this piece of cloth!

Though there are discrepancies, i'm really glad i didn't give up. Have to applaud myself! Ahahahha...

The budget:
2 metres pink cloth = RM10
2 metres lining cloth = RM3.60
Edging = RM1.40
Total RM15.00

Check out my masterpiece and give me some comments ya!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I'm doomed!

How could this happen to me?

Since i came back from Bkt Tinggi, i got this rash. It started from my abdominal area then it began to spread like mushrooms after the rain. I had dinners to attend, my sista was getting married and i'm going to my trip of the year. All these crucial events happening around the corner and i got THESE?????

I ate antihistamine, i applied steroid cream, i washed with salt water, i used antiseptic creams, i bathed with dettol. Nothing seemed to be working!

Now it's creeping up to my calfs and hands. I cannot wear sleeveless tops, skirts or shorts!

Don't tell me i have to wear this to cruise!!!!!

