When the sun chimes...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

To LOVE or To be LOVED...

Recently being bombarded with question like this: "Do you love him more or he loves you more?"

I stunned a bit. My brain did a little bit of hesitations, poundering the question deeply. Then I realised that I had not been thinking about this for a very, very long time. Well, at least for 2 years already...

Then a question popped up in my mind. "How do we know who loves who more?"

Different scenarios started running around my brain like those images in fake binoculars you bought during your childhood time:

Scenario 1:
The guy was squeezing his brain juices out thinking what to buy for his gf during valentines day. He thought of 999 roses, diamond ring, luxurious dining and even a 1 day trip to Europe for a cup of tea. The girl was sitting at home, painting her fingernails, steaming her long flowing hair and readingbrowsing through the latest beauty magazines in the meantime waiting for her bf to call and tell her where will they spend their valentines day together. The bf finally called to inform her he would buy back KFC and a cake for dinner since all restaurants are fully booked. She screamed hysterically at him and slammed the phone down.

VERDICT: He loves her more.

Scenario 2:
She wakes him up every single morning and make him breakfast. She does all the house chores and makes sure all his clothes are clean and ironed. She comes home early everyday to cook for him. She tells him she loves him every night eventhough the only thing he'll ever reply is "sleep la". One day, she calls him urgently because her tyre was punctured in the middle of the road and it's raining like cats and dogs. He is drinking in a bar with his bunch of friends watching the latest season of BPL. He looks at his phone, flinches and switches it off. He continues on with his drink, shouting "GOALLLL" happily.

VERDICT: She loves him more.

It's funny to see how people are always striving to find someone who loves them more than they do.

Let's say a couple in a relationship, both of them wants to be loved. So who is actually the lover then? BOTH or NONE?

Here comes the ultimate question. How do we actually measure love?

By calculating how much money he/she spent on you during special occasions?
By estimating the time he/she spent with you each day?
By computing how many times he/she calls you per week?
By determining how much affection he/she applys when he/she says I love you?

Alright so you notice that your partner loves you more than you do. What do you do now? Do you love him/her back or you go brag in front of all your friends? Do you show the same affection to your partner or you take him/her for granted?

Take a 180 degrees turn now. What if you realise that you are the one contributing more than your partner? You get angry and cry your heart out? You leave him and find someone inferior to him?

Do all of the above justify love? God knows.

In most people I perceive neverending Lust which they strongly Obsess that eventually led to Vainful behaviour and they in turned became Emotionally dependant.

Long gone are the unconditional love when we'll Look deeply into each other eyes, Listens to them with open ears and be thoroughly Loyal to them; when we'll Observe their every moves and remembers their every facial expressions; when we keep all the precious memories we share with our special Valentine; when we Endear our love ones and will put in all Efforts to make them happy.

Think again. What is LOVE to u?

Let's recap scenario 1 and 2. Who's right and who's wrong? If you think clearly, no one is right or wrong. In fact there's never a right and wrong in love. Maybe the only significant thing is to distinguish who's the contributor and who's the receiver. If everyone wants to be the receiver, what justification can we make to the contributor?

We can neither measure trueness nor measure love. So what is true love when we wanna take a ruler to speculate it?

Look at your yourself in the mirror and ask do you love yourself. Do you take good care of your health? Do you make yourself unhappy by thowing tantrums?

Look at your partner and ask yourself do you love him/her. Do you show your appreciation towards their contribution? Do you treasure your relationship?

Think about your family and friends now and ask yourself do you show your gratitude for what they've done. Do you support them when they are down?

Life is a cycle. No doubt.

Love is also a cycle. Learn to love yourself, learn to love your partner, learn to love your family and learn to love your friends. Show your love and believe me, you are loved at this very second. By everyone around you, by god and most importantly by yourself.

We can never stop learning as we can never stop loving. It doesn't really matter who loves who more as what really matters is how much you can contribute to your relationship. It doesn't really matter if your relationship doesn't work out in the end as what really matters is that you've done your best with no regrets.

Open up your heart and mind. Learn to love and enjoy being loved.

And now from the bottom of my heart, I would like to say to all of you out there that



Monday, September 15, 2008

Bottles Up!

So which one did u think i chose?

平衡油43 ~创造力
这一瓶是水瓶座的瓶子,代表你内在有一个部分是理性的,爱好自由的,你重视人道主义,对于环境保护等新时代的议题具有热诚。这个瓶子叫做 '创造力' ,代表你拥有无穷的创造力,可能是在艺术方面,也可能是在生活或工作上展现。




This is an aquarius bottle, meaning that you are very rasional, love freedom, value humanism and always stress on being environmental friendly. This bottle is named "creativeness", meaning you have endless creativity, either in arts; in life or in your work.

Your weakness/challenges: Your heart wants to sing but you don't let it; your heart wants to dance but you don't allow it; your heart likes games but you forbid it to play; your heart wants to express its feelings but you hold on to its neck.

Your future potential: You always like to seek the truth, always self-criticised and always promote peace. You like to fully-utilise and expand your mind, showing that you have great flexibility and adaptation.

Explained me well ain't it?

50% of me thinks it's accurate.
50% of me thinks my character will change in the future.


100% of me thinks



Friday, September 12, 2008


He walked on the street alone. With his hands stuffed in his faded jean’s pockets, he looked around bleakly. The sun was shining brightly; birds were chirping happily; the light breeze was welcoming him with open arms. Yet, he felt blank.

Once in a while, he looked behind him. The path that he’d gone through was covered with dust and debris. It was a gloomy sight. What he remembered in his past was people saying goodbye to him, one by one. Each time his heart shattered on the floor, he had to pick up piece by piece and stick it back together and each time he fell into darkness he forced himself to stand up again strongly because he HAD to. He had his liabilities. He had his responsibilities.

He had to accept the reality.

He had to move on.

Along the street, he saw a variety of flowers with assorted colours. They were lovely and they swayed with the wind as if waving at him to come closer. At times he stopped to approach them. Some were alluring but thorny. Some were classy but arrogant. Some were cute but poignant. Some were sweet but fragile.

He smiled and kept on moving.

Then something caught his eye. Something tall, strong and silent. He looked at the flower. It was just another flower. He told himself. It’s not as beautiful as the roses, it’s not as classy as the tulips, it’s not as cute as the daisies nor it’s as sweet as the buttercups. But something about that flower mesmerized him deeply.

The flower stood there, happily smiling at the sun. He felt connected to the big yellow flower, something familiar. He stood there for a while, admiring it. The flower saw him and smiled. His heart pounded a bit, rush of adrenaline consumed him. He did a double take as he’d never felt this way for a very long time.

He took few steps closer. He didn’t care that the flower was firmly rooted to the ground. He didn’t care that the flower was comfortable at its position. He didn’t care that the flower might break his heart.

He wanted to have it and he didn’t care about any consequences at all.

The flower turned to look at him and shook her yellow petals. Its green leaves stroke him gently. Tears rolled down from his eyes. He knew it. He’d anticipated the outcome.

He walked away, shoulders slumped in dejection. He stared at the flower as it turned away to face the sun again.

His mind was racing. Mixed feelings rose from his heart. He didn’t know when the feeling was going to go away. At that significant moment, he wanted to wait…

But…for how long?
