When the sun chimes...

Monday, September 3, 2007

Anal Retention

Just when i tot the bad month was gonna end soon, my "ASS" had to add in the finishing touch. Ok, i got numerous constipations before which i sat in the toilet bowl for more than half an hour and there was even once i almost fainted trying to get the shit outta me.

This time was more than i could bear. That piece of shit tortured me for two days.

It first started as a nagging feeling, ya know the feeling you get when something is near your anus. I went to the toilet but nothing came out. I left it alone, thinking it would eventually come out on its own.


The next day I realised it had already snowballed itself into a sharp, hard rock and got stuck there. I began going in and out of the toilet every hour since then. Nothing.

I played Sudoku in the toilet, trying to relax myself. Nothing.

I sat on the toilet bowl for hours. Nothing.

I changed my position by squatting on top of the toilet bowl. Nothing also.

I summoned up all my super powers to force it out. NOTHING CAME OUT.

It was terrible. The thing got stuck inside my rectum and was poking at the endothelim lining every second. I got no appetite to eat, i woke up in the middle of the night with stomach cramps, i pulled at my hair and i couldn't sit down properly. aaarrrgGGHHH...

Finally honey brought me to a pharmacy and bought this:

That was the first time i see something like this so i was skeptical and mortified at the same time. I remember last time when i was young and i had this kinda problem, my grandmother used the traditional way:


to help.

Eeeewww. Gross. Poor hygiene. I know i know.

I'd never like the idea of sticking something up my asshole plus it's something named "Atomic Anema" summore. It sounded like some bomb ready to blow your anal up. *shuddered*

Like i said, what choice did i have? I read the instructions carefully and unwrapped it. It contained some kind of liquid inside which is suppose to help loosen the hard stool and ease the purging. It looked so sinister. Oh, i couldn't wait.

It would be too gross for me to describe the feeling but i can say it took effect almost immediately.

AaaahhhHHHHH...I had never felt so good coming out from the toilet.

Feel like vomiting? I'm sorry, i just had to share my shitty experience with you.

P/S: BTW, it only cost RM1.40. FOR TWO!!
