When the sun chimes...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Movie Marathon

Last week me and few of my bubble frens entered a marathon. The marathon was so overwhelming and overrated that even the participating part was exhaustive. I literally had to get up in the middle of the night and be an early bird to wait in line just for booking the places! The marathon took about 7 hours and only 4 of us managed to “tahan” through.
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We watched not just one movie.
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Not two movies.
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But three movies in one day!!!
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After all the hustles and bustles of choosing the movies and arranging the timings, we finally settled with three action-packed + adventurous movies.


First movie:
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Participants: Me, Vince, Cassey, Aiyo and Maegen Fox (ahahha)
Duration: 2 ½ hours (but the advertisement took 30 minutes so it was 3 hours)
Seats: Middle row

We were so excited till we broke the law by taking pictures in the cinema and Aiyo spitting water onto a man’s head in front of her. Poor guy.
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Like wat the critics said, the movie was absolutely exhilarating and “shiok”. I had so much fun seeing the robots transforming themselves. They didn’t look fake or cartoonic at all. Though I don’t agree that Maegen Fox is better looking than Jessica Alba but she is still an eye candy in the movie. The robots are cool, the cars are cool and the war between the good and bad transformers was also COOL!!! I love the movie so much that I kept on thinking the lab instruments in my lab can transform themselves at night. How I wish tat my “reddie” can transform into a robot and protect me too.



We took an hour break for lunch before continuing on the marathon. Cassey and Vince had to order coffees to boost their energy. Along came another 4 movie goers to join the rest of the marathon.
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Second movie:
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Participants: Me, Vince, Cassey, Aiyo, Maegen, Joey n Hubby, Mae n Fren.
Duration: 2 hours
Seats: 3rd row from the screen

This was definitely the most anticipated movie besides Transformers. I nvr tot ppl can be so crazy by buying the tickets two weeks earlier. I was quite keen coz I love adventure and fantasy movies like this.

However it was less than wat we expected. A total bummer! Probably the kids are grown ups now and there was less magic, less thrills, less…FUN. It just didn’t give the same impact as the previous ones. It was ALMOST boring. I shall wave my wand and say “STUPEFY” to the movie.

P/S: I really hate the “pink lady” character in the movie. She reminds me of some of my notorious teachers during secondary school.



We went through 2/3 of the marathon. Mae and fren actually surrendered after one movie. Maegen also showed her white flag. Left 6 of us to continue the challenge. Another half an hour more to go before the final movie but some of us already showed their exhaustion.
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Third movie:
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Participants: Me, Vince, Cassey, Aiyo, Joey n Hubby
Duration: 2 hours
Seats: Last row

This is again another blockbuster movie. A very typical heroic movie with the mighty Bruce jumping here and there, climbing up and down, punching and kicking without showing any fear. Of coz la, he knew he won’t die in the movie. Yet, it was much more refreshing and enlightening compared to the HP movie. On top of tat, all the dangerous stunts were very compact and teeth-grinding so there was not much boring scenes.

A bit outrageous (Bruce still can walk, run and kick ass after he jumped out of a speeding car onto the road) but still worth a watch. All the explosions, gun shootings and kungfu fighting will definitely satisfy your ego.


We came out of the cinema and realized it’s already night time. Our eyes were blurry and the eye muscles were aching. The end results of the marathon:

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Intense fees
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Dead batteries
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Too bad Honey's car couldn't transform itself into Wiratron, haih, back to reality!!!


Friday, July 13, 2007


She stirred from her sleep when she heard something ringing. It was his hp's ringtone. She opened half of her eyes. The room was pitch black. She saw him jumping up from the other side of the bed to pick up the call immediately. He turned to look at her on the bed worrying tat the phone call might wake her up. She watched with her half opened eyes as he talked on the phone at a low volume, almost whispering. Yet in the silent room, a female voice could be heard from the other end of the line. Moments later, he walked out of the bedroom with his phone, his voice excited.

She reached for her phone beside her to see the time. It was a quarter to 3am. Who would call him in the middle of the nite like this? She frowned yet she sensed it was about something. Something tat she'd been wanting to ask him for the past few days. Something tat he need to face and she herself was scared of finding out. She got agitated and sat up on the bed. Should she? She got up from the bed and walked silently to the door tat was slightly ajar.

She could still hear him talking. For a moment, she had second thoughts. Maybe it wasnt about tat, maybe...another gal? Then suddenly he shouted in delight,"Yes! Yes! Finally!" He was obviously happy and relief.

*phew* Her sixth sense was correct after all. She stood by the door enjoying his happiness. He muttered on and on about how glad he was feeling.

She went back to bed, waiting for him to come in and spread the news. Finally he ended the call and breezed in the room. He jumped onto the bed, surprised to see her eyes gleaming in the dark staring at him. Then he smiled at her and told her the news. She smiled back, "I knew it, dear. You made it."

He was still dancing about when she double checked for him again. True enuf. His nightmare was over. As if he was given a chance. A chance to redeem his confidence, a chance to step forward and a chance to end all this misery.

"Why didn go sleep? Oh, tot tat i have another gal issit?"

"Yala, tot u been two timing me, keeping a mistress somewhere."

"I knew it. U don trust me la. Hahaha..."

A heavy rock had been lifted from his heart. Things were definitely looking up and she felt 10x more relief than him. She believed in him and she knew he could pull through. She felt proud of him.

Both of them then went to sleep, soundly and peacefully.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Date to Remember 070707
